At just 2 weeks old, Staci’s first gig was playing Baby Jesus in Central Presbyterian’s Christmas Pageant in Des Moines, Iowa. Nepotism and type played a huge part in Staci getting cast, but hey, at least she learned this at a young age.
The daughter of two politicians, much of Staci’s childhood was spent campaigning around Iowa and listening to long speeches. To fill the boredom she made costumes out of paper, markers and anything she could get her hands on (ice cream works quite well as an adhesive) and would perform self-written plays out the window for various plants and wildlife. It was a lonely life, so Staci moved on.
In high school, Staci decided she wanted to be a politician and at 16 moved to Washington D.C to be a U.S. Senate Page. She poured water for Senators, delivered amendments and was basically a series regular on C-Span. After realizing Washington was full of fake ideals and odd characters, Staci decided to pursue these same ideas in a different realm: acting.
At Vassar College, Staci studied Theatre and Psychology. Here is where she found a love for comedy and sketch. After college, Staci moved to Chicago to perform at Second City and IO Chicago (R.I.P). After too many winters and pints of Old Style, Staci moved to sunny Los Angeles.
Staci just finished filming DON'T LOOK UP (Netflix) starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence and Meryl Streep, which she also co-produced. She has also appeared in VICE, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Parks and Recreation, various web series, and this website that you are reading right now! Staci also starred in DETECTIVE EXPECTING, P.D. that she produced, edited and starred in while pregnant.
Staci resides in Los Angeles with her husband, child and anxiety.